Message from Sharifah S.
As Salamu Alaykum,

to our support blog related to the website builder. This blog is managed by me and associates with an extraordinary team that will share tips + insight on upgrading your skills and knowledge.
A short introduction, I am Sharifah S. the founder of id-Booth SG© since 2013 and in 2019, our ever-growing website builder services have moved to e-AIDter©. Blessed being a mother to five beautiful daughters, my youngest born in 2019 and my birth year is 1987 --- in case you're thinking of calling me aunty or kakak, just "Sharifah" is puurrrfect. I love fishing, painting, writing, being there in times of trouble and love creating. Had always been workaholic in rank and file, management level and even being mentored by leaders before my passion is made full-time and turned into extra-coffeeholic, guess that is my true joy! Alrighty, that is less of me, let's get to the main reason for all this.
A short introduction, I am Sharifah S. the founder of id-Booth SG© since 2013 and in 2019, our ever-growing website builder services have moved to e-AIDter©. Blessed being a mother to five beautiful daughters, my youngest born in 2019 and my birth year is 1987 --- in case you're thinking of calling me aunty or kakak, just "Sharifah" is puurrrfect. I love fishing, painting, writing, being there in times of trouble and love creating. Had always been workaholic in rank and file, management level and even being mentored by leaders before my passion is made full-time and turned into extra-coffeeholic, guess that is my true joy! Alrighty, that is less of me, let's get to the main reason for all this.
There's so much excitement upon creating this blog. Always ensuring you have the best after-built-support. Your website is designed, created with passion and consistency to meet your expectation on running a business with enjoyable operation in mind so you will never feel alone ever again.
This blog is only by invites. The invitations are sent to our clients who can benefit from our after-built-support and our potential clients who already have their website built (without using our services) and now seeking for tips + advise.

Visit our next creative blog, coming soon ~ Opportunity Crafty Muslim.
Feel free to leave comments on any blog that you have read so we are able to share more on how, when, what, where, why and whatever that is within our means. We encourage you to comment below with a short introduction of yourself with your business links and the products you are selling for better exposure.
This blog is only by invites. The invitations are sent to our clients who can benefit from our after-built-support and our potential clients who already have their website built (without using our services) and now seeking for tips + advise.

Visit our next creative blog, coming soon ~ Opportunity Crafty Muslim.
Feel free to leave comments on any blog that you have read so we are able to share more on how, when, what, where, why and whatever that is within our means. We encourage you to comment below with a short introduction of yourself with your business links and the products you are selling for better exposure.
Sharifah S.
Wa Alaykum Salam Sis Maria, I am so sorry for this overdue response on this blog (Al-Hamdulillah~ we’re still in touch through WhatsApp). Thank you for sharing your inspirational business journey and real amazing it had been 9 years now. Many more success in dunya and akhirat, Aamiin ya rabb!
Assalammualaikum Sharifsh abd fellow brothers and sisters..
Thanks Sharifah for allowing a space here for me to share.
Itnhas always been my dream to own a store. Be a business owner, running the shop. In shaa Aah one day that will come by.
So I settle for online shop. I started way back in 2011. I have no experience but I am determined that this online shop will be a success.
For 7 years, I had been selling different stuffs from Muslimahs Busanas to Hijabs. Finally I decided to sell products that caters to essential needs.
Selling through online especially in social media can be challenging especially when U do not have the jeez of it.
I was introduced to Sharifah who gave her utmost advice and assurance in building a great webstore.
Feel free to browse through:
Sharifah S.
Jazak Allahu Khayran Brother Solehin. It is a blessed to have you onboard. The knowledge you’ve shared here will be a great source to upgrade our gears in making our business better and also as a person on how we make our process and daily productivity better too. Till today I still apply it in my businesses. Looking forward!
Hi, Sharifah S. and fellow readers, I would just like to say that we are blessed to have a space here to share.
I am beginning to see the value a strong network provides for the people in it, sharing resources, skills, talent, knowledge all done in the bid to benefit all parties included. The growth mentality is something I am embracing because sometimes I like to blame myself for not making enough progress before but as I calm myself and look back at my work, I accept them as my early beginnings and it left me smiling to myself widely ?
That said I would like to be offering myself out there to experience new things and let EVERYONE know about it! My business is to poke into other people’s business. Through our discoveries together, we then part ways with the tools/knowledge to apply and work out till the day we meet once more, we do it all over again! I participate in many contractual offers though most of the time I’d prefer to do it voluntarily without any expectation in return. InsyaAllah know that if everything goes smoothly, like a breeze ? it is meant for us. So do write to me if you do want to start a conversation with me, sooleehin7@gmail.com. Feel free